In August 2008 Andrew Sullivan
published a fabricated story about Trig Palin's parentage before checking the facts, doing more than anyone else to make it the
most effective libel of the campaign. Now the U.S.'s most respected progressive blogger, Matthew Yglesias, has checked the
evidence and
Sarah Palin is Trig Palin’s mother and nobody has any business claiming otherwise.
Sullivan personally mainstreamed
Trig birtherism, an annoying distraction to the country and injustice to the Palin family. Time for him to examine the evidence himself, end his crusade, and apologize. If he doesn't, then on this issue, he'll be the moral equivalent of
Donald Trump, who ignored
this evidence while leveraging himself into the 2012 campaign.
Andrew Sullivan manages to display arrogance, mysogeny, and cruelty. all in the name of searching for the "truth". Uriah Heep lives.
My recent email to The Daily Beast:
---To Whom it May Concern:
Andrew Sullivan isn't on any firmer moral ground than those idiots who keep claiming that Barak Obama is not an American citizen. If Andrew doesn't admit that he's been wrong about Trig Palin and apologise for all of the misinformation that he's spread, no one's going to continue to read his blog or anything else on the Daily Beast.
Seriously, it's time to apologise and move on.
-Barry Fernelius
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