Are you Ron Walker hiding behind a woman's skirts online? Sure sounds like it. If so, why not reveal your true name and shameful background? Ron Walker was an advance man for Nixon who delighted in storm trooper tactics on behalf of our most infamous politician. Are you the bully who got a big laugh out of pummeling to the ground elderly African-American women who dared to demonstrate against Nixon -- women who had to pull wooden splinters out of their hands for a week (Summers, page 277)? Pretty funny, eh? And, if you are Walker, just why are you defending as accurate a mistake-ridden, conjecture-based anti-Nixon book?The principal source for unprovable allegations that Nixon beat his beloved wife, Summers is not a paragon of truth. But his book contains direct quotes from Nixon operative Walker. Here's the passage to which Fulsom refers, which concerns an operation Walker ordered against supporters of Democratic nominee Hubert Humphrey:
Walker was in the lead car of a Nixon motorcade in New Jersey when a radio warning came of possible "difficulty with demonstrators." Humphrey supporters up ahead were brandishing posters picturing a large black pregnant woman and the legend "Nixon's the One!" -- a mocking play on the Republican campaign slogan.Walker wasn't the only Nixon operative to misunderstand what "it's a free country" means. Summers also quotes him as saying he used off-duty police officers and firefighters to administer "hard knocks and stuff" to demonstrators. But in this case, Fulsom has demonstrated that he can be careless with secondary sources. The only African-American women present were the pictures on the signs, wrenched from the hands of citizens whose puerility was ennobled by the measures used against it.
"I wanted those signs down before Nixon got there," Walker explained. "We simply went in and pulled them down. All the black ladies came falling to the floor...And the people were sitting there, their signs were down and they were pulling splinters out of their hands for a week....I don't call that dirty tricks as much as, you know, guerrilla warfare."
Dona is in fact Dona, by the way.