On one side of the argument, Smith writes, were top Nixonians such as Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and James Schlesinger. On the other were the Haldeman acolytes along with veteran Simes-bashers Tricia and Ed Cox (when Simes and I worked together, Ed Cox, now the New York state GOP chairman, liked to call Simes "an aide to an aide"), Cox intimate and former CREEP official Rob Odle (now the Nixon-Haldeman

The ruthless tactics of the anti-Simes group are in full view in Politico, including unsubstantiated charges of financial impropriety and worse. Smith reports a hint by Tricia Cox that Simes, a Russian-born U.S. citizen whose

While no Simes critic identified by Smith manages a coherent critique of the ex-Nixon Center's foreign policy pragmatism, they were mad enough to give the center at least $2 million of the assets of the non-profit Nixon foundation just to force Simes to stop using Nixon's name. At the same time, it appears that the center was getting more and more embarrassed by its association with the Watergate revanchists in Yorba Linda. But especially because the foundation had gone off the rails, I wish the center had fought harder on behalf of the vision Nixon had enthusiastically embraced of a foreign policy institution bearing his name in Washington.
In the wake of the embarrassment suffered by the Haldeman crew because of its failure to block Naftali's Watergate exhibit, is the center second-guessing its decision to abandon Nixon? According to Smith, the foundation and center executed a non-disparagement agreement as part of the payoff deal. It didn't keep the center's blog, "The National Interest," from publishing a post this week accusing Haldeman's operatives of "diminishing Nixon."
Especially ironic are concerns about "the foundation's governance" expressed by Orange County printer Kris Elftmann, a foundation ex-chairman. No one did more than Elftmann to turn Nixon's legacy over to Haldeman's men, including persons involved in Watergate or Watergate-related activities. While Elftmann's concerns about the foundation's governance decisions may be legitimate, the one he probably regrets most was the Haldeman clique's refusal to give him the jumbo-salary foundation "president" job that he sought last fall. When he was rebuffed, he walked out of a board meeting and moved his flag to Simes' shop.
An aide to an aide? How 1970s. (For a better way: see Frederick J. Graboske, interview, Roy L. Ash, January 13, 1988 and August 4, 1988, NARA/NLRN. Yeah, they get into Peter Drucker.) Oh, and I guess I better not quote Fred's nickname while he served in 'Nam [grin]. Will let you know offline, hah. Seriously, non-disparagement agreements? SO glad I worked at NARA where my parents values, formulated during hard times under Soviet occupation, could inform my values. Totally different world, totally different way of doing business. So glad my 'rents came to the US as refugees and that Dad and I both went civil service, he at Voice of America, me at NARA. USA!! USA!!
It was just the way Cox thought about people.
My first meeting with him after his father-in-law died occurred in Washington in the spring of 1994, in the office of some Nixon attorneys of your acquaintance. We were going around the room saying what we thought about the Kutler and compensation cases.
After I'd spoken, Cox said icily that it was always interesting to hear the staff perspective. He was having trouble with the fact that by virtue of Nixon making me an executor of his estate, I was now a litigant in federal cases, and these big-time attorneys worked for me.
You know about those "wish I'd said!" fantasies. I should've replied, "And it's always interesting to know what the residuary beneficiaries think they're entitled to."
We got plenty of information on that subject, all too soon.
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