Perhaps one reason Republicans don't do so is that, so far, Obama doesn't lead very effectively. As a matter of fact, he's beginning to remind me of George W. Bush, whose conception of Presidential persuasion was to state what he took to be obvious about the war on terror and the evildoers and then act weary and vaguely peeved when people didn't see the world the same way he did. Over the last week, Obama has sounded so harsh and pedantic that Sullivan may be barking up the wrong end of Pennsylvania Ave. looking for the politicians whose actions and statements may actually be hurting the economy.
Now that he's got his bill, I'd like the President to begin talking up the productive and recuperative power of the American people and encouraging me to spend it if I have it. Just a word from you, Mr. President, and I'll even order a Kindle 2.0.
Just go ahead and buy the Kindle 2.0 anyway. If the economy recovers, you can take credit. If it doesn't, you can still curl up with a good book. You're a winner either way.
A typically Anglican response!
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