Trying to score points over Barack Obama's innocuous comment to the Russian president, Mitt Romney
said that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the U.S. We have a classic great power relationship with Russia, partners in some matters, rivals in others, with generally friendly and constructive relations across the board. It used to be in presidential politics that a comment this ignorant and irresponsible would disqualify a candidate. Romney's father's prospects foundered because of a far less worrisome statement about Vietnam. I guess Newt Gingrich has lowered the bar for everyone.
So much about this political season has seemed about rolling back the clock 40 or 50 years; this is just one more element.
The sad fact may be that there are an awful lot of frightened or frightenable people out there and never a dearth of people willing to try and frighten them into doing something.
Well said. After I wrote the post, I read something saying this isn't Romney's first provocative statement about the Russians. Perhaps he's fallen under Dr. Kissinger's influence or that of some other balance-of-power obsessive! In this case, he was trying to hard to catch Obama in a gaffe that he committed a much bigger one himself.
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