Cory Trenda, who worships at St. John's with his wife, Janet, has been all over the world doing ministry and raising money for World Vision. It all came home to him on Jan. 11 as he read the final pages of the relief agency's donor update on the first anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti:
Infant feeding practices needed to be addressed as many mothers were suffering from stress and struggled to breast-feed. Training sessions helped to improve breast-feeding practices and nutrition for children and pregnant or lactating mothers. World Vision Mother’s Clubs offered supplementary feeding and nutrition counseling to women and children suffering from malnutrition, benefiting more than 5,000 women every month.
Janet and I spent much of the past weekend with our daughter, who is preparing to have her first child. (Our Christmas gift from Karey and her husband was a chance to join them for a 3-D ultrasound, which we did Saturday!) Karey is doing all the right reading, getting counsel from other moms, and Janet even bought her favorite book about breastfeeding for Karey. Karey wants the best for her son, as every mother should, and she's preparing for the usual apprehensions and challenges, including those related to breastfeeding.
But I don’t think she’s preparing for the possibility of a devastating earthquake impacting her ability to breastfeed.
Cory provides his moving refections by e-mail. If you're interested in getting them, please write to me at revjht@msn.com or leave a comment on this post.
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