The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, (trying) to take this seat...I was surprised to find this way back on page A-13 of the Orange County Register. Loose talk about "the Mexicans," when one is discussing U.S. taxpayers of Mexican descent, went out of fashion long ago. Do Vietnamese-Americans deserve any less respect? (It turns out OC Weekly broke the story on Monday. Before then, neither the Register nor the Tran campaign had noticed Sanchez's gaffe.)
She went on to call Tran "anti-immigrant" (though he's an immigrant himself) and "anti-Hispanic." Since Sanchez was being interviewed on a Spanish-language station, it looks like she's trying to keep her job by inciting resentment among members of one ethnic group against another -- just the kind of enlightened, responsible leadership America needs these days.
Reporter Doug Irving said Tran, a member of the state assembly, has asked for an apology.
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