Monday, November 24, 2008

Schemes Of Rivals

Dick Morris (coming to the Nixon Library next week) and Eileen McGann are appalled by the idea of Sen. Clinton at State:
Hillary will be a loose cannon as Secretary of State, vindicating her own agenda rather than that of the president and burnishing her own image at every turn. Not since Cordell Hull in the 30s have we had a Secretary so interested in running for president. Not since William Jennings Bryan in the 1910s have we had a defeated nominee named as Secretary. Obama will not be able to control Hillary nor will he be able to control his own administration with Emanuel as Chief of Staff. He will find that his appointees will march to the beat of their own drummer - if he is lucky - and Hillary's if he is not.
In other words, Morris and McGann believe, Hillary Clinton would be the new Salmon Chase.

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