Monday, November 24, 2008

Saddle River Calling

Bob Ellsworth, RN's ambassador to NATO and a former Republican congressman from Kansas, endorsed Sen. Obama. We learn this morning from the Wall Street Journal that former Ford and G.H.W. Bush NSC adviser Brent Scowcroft, though he didn't endorse a candidate this year, has been in regular touch with Obama and that a number of his acolytes are being eyed for administration posts. GOP Sen. Richard Lugar, known as RN's favorite mayor in the 1970s, was thought to be a contender for secretary of state and has pledged to help the Obama administration fashion a foreign policy based on the principles of realism and enlightened national interest long endorsed by The Nixon Center and its journal, "The National Interest."

And "The American Spectator," not pleased with Obama's likely Treasury pick, Timothy Geithner, notes his links with the "pragmatic" Dr. Kissinger.

It's beginning to look a lot like Nixon.

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