Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Singing Our Zion Song Again

Twenty pilgrims traveling under the auspices of St. John's Episcopal Church will gather at LAX this morning for a nonstop flight to Tel Aviv and the journey up to Jerusalem Wednesday afternoon. We are Ed, Cathy, Fr. Michael, Debbie, Cindy D., Pastor Lisa, Allana, Alexandra, Bob, Kathe, Steven, Brenna, Jerry, Cindy K., Christian, Shannon, Damian, Remy, Kathy, and Fr. John.

On Sunday morning at St. John's, we were commissioned by our 2009 and 2011 pilgrims and the whole congregation with this prayer:
God of Zion, who through his blessed Son called the people of God to take up their crosses and follow in Christ's Way: By our prayers today and in the days to come, in the name of Jesus Christ we commission and ask your merciful blessing on the pilgrims of St. John's Episcopal Church, who set their faces for Jerusalem on Tuesday. Prepare their hearts to be turned forever toward your holy city. Prepare their minds to be enlightened by new teaching and relationships. Prepare their feet for the steps down to the cave in Bethlehem, the rocky shore of the Sea of Galilee, and the rough cobblestones of the Via Dolorosa. Keep them safe and return them to us with spirits afire. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.
Between now and July 1, we'd be blessed if you would follow along with us here and on Facebook.

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