Sunday, June 24, 2012

Five For The Road

The St. John's Spirit of Jerusalem pilgrimage will begin its day (that's Monday to us) in the Judean desert and finish in Nazareth, land of occasionally sketchy wireless. To tide you over if necessary, some miscellaneous images, including our traveling Deb Neal fan club (that's Deb third from the right; out former Diocese of Los Angeles colleague, she's now the Bishop of Jerusalem's secretary).

You want to have a truly blessed time in the Holy Land? Then travel with pilgrims Brenna (8), Steven (13), and Damian (12).

Pilgrim Kathy gives pilgrim Cindy a back rub.

In Episcopal churches everywhere, including St. Matthew's in Zababdeh, children proudly bring their Sunday school handwork into the great congregation when that long episode called the sermon is finally over.

Singing one of my favorite hymns, "All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name," with three of my favorite people, pilgrims Mike, Debbie, and Cindy? Words fail.

Holy Land graffiti is always worth reading, noting, and inwardly digesting.

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