Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Other Watergate Break-In

Nixon scholar Luke Nichter thinks that we might learn more about the motivation for the June 1972 Watergate burglary, which destroyed the Nixon presidency, if he can pry loose secret records about a May 1972 Watergate burglary that most people don't even know about. The Washington Post:

During that break-in, a wiretap was placed on at least one phone. It was during a second burglary more than two weeks later that the group was caught with additional bugging devices. Information about the contents of the initial wiretaps, which played a role in prompting the second burglary, were sealed and never revealed.

“These and other sealed materials may be the key to determining why the Watergate break-in occurred, who ordered it, and what the burglars were looking for,” Nichter wrote in asking the chief judge of the federal court in Washington to unseal the materials.


  1. The U. S. Government will never
    release the information regarding
    the major Watergate-related crimes.

  2. I agree. Why not? In fact, all sorts of Watergate records have been slowly trickling out for years. However, the trickle--to date--hasn't included formerly sealed records. The U.S. Government, order at least Judge Royce Lamberth, has decided it's time they come out. They're historically important enough, and people do have some right to know. Whether or not this attempt succeeds, it's the closest we've gotten to some of the really sensitive records to date.

  3. After 40 years, we are beginning to question the inconsistencies of the Watergate story.

    Read my book - Watergate - The Political Assasination which has to be a docu-fiction for legal reasons for an aternate interpretation and tries to give answers to the questions below:.

    Why was the arrest at the THIRD attempt at break-in not reported more widely?
    Why did the dollar notes on the arrested raiders have consecutive serial numbers?
    Why was Howard Hunt's name in the address books of TWO of the four arrested Cubans?

    My ebook (ISBN - 9780956911940) will be avaialble at in a few days, in time for the 40th anniversary of Nixon's historical trip to China. It has hyperlinks to all the historical evets covered in the book.

    Rene Chang

    Read more here:

  4. Luke Nichter

    Your question is the cloest to re-examining what actually happened at Watergate, Who ordered it and why?

    I stumbled upon my hypothesis becasue there was a coup attempt in China. I f it can happen in China, why not the USA?
    Because of itstraditions, things are done more subtly in the US.

    Read my book 'Watergate - The Political Assassination'

    After 40 years, we are beginning to question the inconsistencies of the Watergate story.

    Read my book - Watergate - The Political Assasination which has to be a docu-fiction for legal reasons for an aternate interpretation and tries to give answers to the questions below:.

    Why was the arrest at the THIRD attempt at break-in not reported more widely?
    Why did the dollar notes on the arrested raiders have consecutive serial numbers?
    Why was Howard Hunt's name in the address books of TWO of the four arrested Cubans?
    What has meme got to do with Watergate?

    My ebook (ISBN - 9780956911940) will be avaialble at in a few days, in time for the 40th anniversary of Nixon's historical trip to China. It has hyperlinks to all the historical evets covered in the book.

    Rene Chang

    Read more here:
