Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Watergate Breakthrough

Kathy and I were in distinguished company tonight when Watergate journalists Bob Woodward and Ben Bradlee spoke at the Nixon library. At left is our St. John's friend Paul Reza, who came with his wife, Paula Neal Reza. Nearby was 24-year-0ld James Hohmann, Stanford-educated staff writer for Politico, who flew in from Washington to cover the man-bites-dog story of Woodward and Bradlee giving a talk (moderated by library director Tim Naftali) a few yards from Nixon's Yorba Linda birthplace. The Orange County Register's coverage is here. James' is coming soon, and mine as well.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there, but I learned about it too late in day and already had other plans. A couple of very interesting guys talking about a very interesting time, I'm sure.
