Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sorry About The Mess

Charlie Cook writes at "National Journal," under the headline "Trump's a Joke," about the tycoon's seriously strong poll numbers and adds:
"It's downright embarrassing," confessed one former Republican House member, when apprised of the results. Of course, Trump's chances of winning the GOP nomination are exceedingly remote, to say the least, and his poll numbers are all about name recognition. Anyone assuming that the reality-show host's interest in running for president is just another one of his publicity stunts would not likely be wrong. But what does it say about the Republican Party or, for that matter, the American people that this guy gets a second glance? Could a "Jersey Shore" personality be far behind? Legitimate Republican candidates have to wonder whether they'll be sharing a stage in the early debates with characters straight out of the bar scene in "Star Wars"?
Hat tip to Tom Tierney

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