Friday, April 29, 2011

National Leader Pretend

Remembering the late David Broder, dean of the Washington political columnists, saying that "the only way a reporter should ever look at a politician is down,” the Washington Post's Dana Milbank fears that the annual White House Correspondents' Assn. gala has turned into a level preying field where lobbyists and corporations seduce journalists with swag and fancy receptions. And what's with the at-table matchmaking?:
[Is it] ABC News’s role to unite Glee’s Jane Lynch with White House chief of staff Bill Daley or 30 Rock’s Elizabeth Banks with National Security Advisor Tom Donilon? What’s the purpose of Fox News introducing actress Patricia Arquette to Rep. Michele Bachmann, National Journal presenting actor Taylor Kitsch to Obama strategist David Axelrod, NPR introducing REM’s Michael Stipe to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, or The Post connecting Trump and House Speaker John Boehner?
I'd have enjoyed eavesdropping on Stipe and Rice, though. And that's R.E.M.!
Hat tip to Mick Gilford

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