Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ankle-Deep In The Big Potomac

From historian Maarja Krusten, a thoughtful post on the aftermath of last week's Watergate exhibit opening at the Nixon library.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, very kind of you! Isn't that photo of me in 1975 a hoot? There I am, with a placid look, acting as if it is perfectly normal for a young woman to take off her shoes and wade into the Potomac to pose for a picture. (I forget if it was my sister or my Mom or Dad who snapped that one). I wasn't usually so dramatic, hahahaha. We often walked over to Roosevelt Island, which is where I'm pictured, as Mom and Dad had an apartment in that neighborhood.

    I finally had time to post a comment under your fantastic defense of Tim Naftali in "Hissing and Moaning." I also sent you an email to explain an oblique comment within that comment.

    Thanks again!
