Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Misleading Microcosm

From CBS's coverage of the brutal assault on its correspondent, Lara Logan:

Sexual harassment of women is an all-too-common occurrence on the streets of Cairo. But many women noted a complete absence of it in the early days of protests in Tahrir Square, where demonstrators made a point of trying to create a microcosm of the society without many of Egypt's social ills.

However, in the final days, and especially after the battles with pro-Mubarak gangs who attacked the protesters in Tahrir, women noticed sexual assault had returned to the square. On the day Mubarak fell, women reported being groped by the rowdy crowds.

So what other all-too-common aspects of Egyptian society did demonstrators make a point of covering up? For instance, when Egyptians aren't groping women in public, they're endorsing murdering them for commiting adultery.

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