Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Huffington Post celebrates a 16-year-old singer's enlightened views on Canada's health care system and laboriously explains his views on abortion.


  1. Reportedly, his views on the Filioque controversy should be dispositive.

  2. So I ask my 7th grade religion students whom they think Justin Beiber stole all his dance moves from. The correct answer, I thought, was Michael Jackson, but they said Usher, so I guess Usher stole all his moves from Michael Jackson. I missed a generation in there.

  3. I too haven't gone beyond the Michael Jackson entertaiment era. Heard the name Usher but can't say I'm familiar with his music. Same with Snoop Dog and Fifty Cent--very catchy, funny names but that is about it. Perhaps in 50 years, the Met will do a revival of their music and little old ladies in mink coats will show up.
