Monday, February 28, 2011

How We Treat Each Other

Historian Maarja Krusten and her twin sister, Eva, who died in 2002, both worked for the National Archives. For Maarja, Eva exemplified qualities of a bygone era in U.S. politics -- and, we had better hope, an era to come. Maarja concludes:
Sometimes, when I get discouraged because it feels to me as if we’ve given too much power to the angry, the disgruntled, the haters, the extremists, the people on the fringes, I think back on how my sister lived her life. Barack Obama recently said, very wisely in my view, that how we treat each other is entirely up to us. In the way she lived her life, my sister showed a type of grace which exemplifies what the President meant. Would that there were more like her, in both political parties.

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