Sunday, January 16, 2011

About To Row Mike's Boat Ashore?

From OC Weekly back in the New World, props for Andy Guilford (show at right yesterday afternoon on the Sea of Galilee with his fellow St. John's Church pilgrims):
[T]hough [ex-Orange County sheriff Mike] Carona had numerous establishment types (and, for far too long, a protective, gullible Orange County Register newsroom) working behind-the-scenes to shield him from accountability, they weren’t able to overcome the work of journalists like myself and Christine Hanley at the Los Angeles Times, the relentless determination of Sagel in the U.S. Attorney’s office, and the untainted manner in which federal Judge Andrew J. Guilford runs his courtroom. Make no mistake: In the hands of other reporters, prosecutors and judges, Carona likely would still be in control of the $800 million-per-year agency.

In coming weeks, Guilford will set a date for Carona to surrender.

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