Thursday, December 16, 2010

Once Punk, Always Punk

Steve Berlin, who joined Los Lobos in 1984, talks about how punk keeps you young:

Berlin says he is as surprised as anyone that Los Lobos are still around today. But as far as they have come, he says, they still refer to their 1980s punk roots. “We carry that ethos with us every day, every show, every record,” he says. “It’s still built into our DNA that you play as hard as you can, don’t look back and always experiment.”

1 comment:

  1. Hah, I like that! I've always been a bit of a rebel (even when I was a RN supporter--got yelled at on campus in 1970-1971 for, gasp, wearing a dress), although not a punk, per se. Really, someone did snark at me and my sis when we were undergraduates "you must be Republicans, you're wearing dresses." My reaction in the early 1970s? Yeah, what of it? Back then, being edgy at GW meant being GOP (which I then still was, turned Independent later.) No wonder I was drawn to New Wave and punk as I got older!
