Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Horror Of Child Marriage

I received an e-mail containing this video, purporting to depict the illegal wedding of a little girl in France, from the good folks at at the children's relief agency PLAN (formerly Foster Parents Plan). The scene was inadvertently captured by tourists. Quoting the e-mail:

Although child marriage is illegal in France, it is legal in many countries around the world – and just as horrifying no matter where it occurs. Unless we act to stop it, 25,000 girls will become child brides tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.

That's why we're asking 25,000 people by the end of November to add their name and say:

Child marriage is wrong and it has to stop. I'm standing up for girls everywhere to guarantee their right to education, health and well-being. To have a childhood. I'm standing against child marriage.

Young girls who are forced into marriage are much more likely to suffer from domestic abuse, disease, and abandonment. Few are ever allowed to go to school. Girls as young as eight years old are being forced into marriage today.

It doesn't have to be this way, and we can do something about it. The first step is raising awareness – so please take action, then forward this video to your friends, post it to your Facebook page and share it on Twitter.

With your help, we can protect the world's girls and make sure they get the childhood they deserve.

Thank you for standing up for girls today.

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