Sunday, October 31, 2010


Our St. John's friends Bruce and Lisa Hughes moved into their first house in Coto de Caza a day or two before Halloween over 20 years ago. When some of their kids showed up expecting to be fed, as children will, Lisa cracked some Hormel chili and Bruce grilled some hot dogs, because that's what was around. It's been their festive Halloween menu ever since, although with some elaborations, such as a choice of three kinds of hot dogs, including Ball Park Franks. This gave me the opportunity to clear my throat, ask for the kind attention of our hosts and their other guests, and explain how my father named the Ball Park Frank. If you like, I'll come over to your house and tell you about it, too. Really, I insist.

Besides being a partner, with Bruce, in one of southern California's premier family law firms, Lisa's a canny political insider who came within five points of denying archconservative former Rep. Bob Dornan the 1998 Republican nomination for Congress. Lisa would've given the one-term Democratic incumbent, Loretta Sanchez, a good race, whereas Sanchez easily defeated Dornan, whom she'd ousted two years before.

You can just hear party bigwigs rubbing their hands together and emitting a piercing Halloween cackle. Nominate a Republican who can win? That's just what they expect us to do! So we shouldn't have been surprised that Lisa gave Kathy and me our first opportunity (after nearly 60 combined years of service to 37) to interact with a mask depicting the ghost of moderate Republican past. Fun, if a little yesterday. We got back to Yorba Linda in time to give some Kit Kat bars to a teenaged President Obama. I thanked him for working for Middle East peace.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is GREAT! I bet you really enjoyed that.

    Oh, btw, it's 4:28 Eastern time but I'm at home, not at work!
