Thursday, September 23, 2010

Coffee With The Bishop

In her and Steve's own backyard, Bishop Suffragan Diane Jardine Bruce this morning welcomed us Episcopal deacons and priests working in south Orange County, California (we call it our Deanery Ten Clericus, to confuse others and occasionally ourselves). Bishop Bruce briefed us on her second House of Bishops' meeting last week in Arizona (which made news for its work on immigration reform and by asking one of its number to resign) and also touched on her passions for multicultural ministry, about which she addressed her fellow bishops last week, and the emergent church.

Seated with her were our dean, Peter Haynes (center) and Vincent Schwahn, interim rector at St. Clement's by-the-Sea Church in San Clemente, where the bishop served until being consecrated and ordained, along with her fellow Bishop Suffragan Mary Douglas Glasspool, in May. We're doubly excited by Bruce family ministry at St. John's since the bishop will lead our women's retreat next spring and Steve will do the same for our men next month.

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