Saturday, October 17, 2009

What Do You Know And When Did You Know It?

The folks at Pew want you.


  1. Hahahaha, I enjoyed that, thanks for the link. Needless to say, I got all the questions right (and so I should, considering my line of work). But that put me in a small 2% category. It's a cold, rainy day in the DC area (but at least we didn't get snow in mid-October, the way Altoona, PA recently did). I've posted a couple of comments elsewhere, as well, including on the Fox News thread and on the one on Krauthammer and Russia (a subject of particular interest to many in my circle). I've read some of the other pieces as well, you have such an interesting, eclectic blog!

  2. Thanks, MK, from your fellow two-percenter!

  3. So MK, JT, and CD will now resolve all open questions!
