Sunday, October 25, 2009

That's Some Hat

Elizabeth and Richard, probably in 1969. I can't place the man in the middle. See the Queen with her ten other Presidents here.


  1. Great photo! It was taken during President Nixon's trip to the UK in 1970. The man with the Queen and the President is Edward Heath, the Prime Minister. I've seen other photos taken at the same time by Ollie Atkins, not sure who took this one. One of Atkins's photos of the Queen, the Prime Minister, and President and Mrs. Nixon at this event is available through NARA's Archival Research Catalog. NARA's putting more and more photos on Flickr, I'm sure we'll see more of RN there as time goes by!

  2. Of course it's Heath, MK! I even met him when he visited the Nixon Library in the early 1980s. Thanks.
