Friday, September 4, 2009


At age 50, Frank Mickadeit of the Orange County Register, one of the last of the big-city reporting columnists, reports on his first week at Chapman University's law school:
[W]e got a bracing talk from Assistant Dean Jayne Kacer, who illustrated with an anecdote just how small the seemingly vast O.C. legal community really is, and how knowledge is nothing without reputation. One O.C. judge she knows was taking over the case load of another judge and came upon an unfamiliar acronym in the notes the outgoing judge had made in one file – “LLPOF.” Ah, the old judge said, it was there to remind him about the character of the attorney who was trying that case. It stood for, “liar, liar, pants on fire.”


  1. Hahahaha! I laughed out loud, really, when I got to the end of that one. I'll have to remember that -- LLPOF.

    When I first started working with archival documents, I was puzzled to see OBE written on some documents from the 1970s. OBE to me meant Order of the British Empire and I knew it wasn't that. I soon learned some federal officials used it PBE for "overcome by events."

    Of course, anyone who has worked with John Ehrlichman's White House notes knows that he used his own symbols for certain words in his handwritten notes. Took me a little while to figure out some of those, too.

  2. I first learned OBE from one of HAK's most trusted aides, Suzanne MacFarlane.
