Monday, August 24, 2009

"Four Christs": Sermon For 12 Pentecost

Some of Jesus's followers fled when he said they'd have to eat his flesh and drink his blood to be saved. Perhaps they were terrified by the sheer intimacy of the suggestion. Talk about violating boundaries! And yet our God in Christ does seek an intimacy with us, in one way or another. Christians who participate in Holy Eucharist (aka communion or the mass) find meaning in the ultimate mystery of humankind joining with the divine, evangelical Christians in individual salvation, progressive Christians in accountability and interdependence among members of the body of Christ. If God has made a difference in our hearts, the precise details may not matter as much. Most of us probably borrow from all three. We St. John's pilgrims also encountered a fourth Jesus, the Jesus of history, in water lapping along the Sea of Galilee (where we celebrated Holy Eucharist ourselves one day; thanks to Andy Guilford for the photo), hillside homes in Nazareth, even shards of pottery that Kathy excavated at Sepphoris. However we find him, he takes delight. My Sunday sermon is here. Canny listeners will note the error about Solomon building the Second Temple. Can I still blame jet lag?

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