Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jerusalem Meets Anaheim

When 20 pilgrims from St. John's visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth in August -- whether bobbing in the Dead Sea, touching the rock of Golgotha, or walking streets Jesus Christ may well have known -- we'll be in the tender care of Canon Iyad Qumri, renowned Holy Land guide and interpreter. I caught up with Iyad today at the Episcopal Church's General Convention in Anaheim, where he's a guest along with his wife, Simone, a member of the staff of St. George's Episcopal Cathedral and College in East Jerusalem, where we'll be staying in August. And yes, that's Pastor Karen, our distinguished former associate vicar.

On Friday night, Kathy and I are taking the Qumris to President Nixon's favorite Mexican restaurant. Who knows what it's called?


  1. PK takes the tamale. I thought it was Dana Point, but PK would know.

    RN's more famously associated with El Adobe, though the story is told that Dick O'Neill's SJC restaurant actually offered French food until 37 told them one evening in 1969 that he wanted to come for what he assumed would be Mexican food. So O'Neill had to hire a Mexican cook for the evening. Afterward, the public assumed it was a Mexican restaurant, so Mr. O'Neill was stuck.

  2. Was it El Adobe de Capistrano?

    Love the blog, and the varied topics.
