Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dreams And Nightmares

The baby boomers, before Sept. 15: "You don't turn your dreams over to the authorities at age 60," said Dennis Hopper in this age-defying ad for Ameriprise Financial (no longer on the air, as far as I can see). "See, the thing about dreams is, they don't retire":

The baby boomers, after Sept. 15: Don't retire, indeed. Bruce Hosking, 61, who retired two years ago as a photographer for the Tampa Tribune:
“My nightmare would be (that) I’d be at the end of the checkout line asking you, ‘Paper or plastic?’” he said. “This year is either going to make or break us. If the economy doesn’t turn around, we’re going to be with the rest of the people who face the possibility of starting to sell off our valuables to stay alive.”

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