Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Secret Plan Is Working

The Nixon Library said to be brainwashing the nation's scholars.


  1. Father John!

    Blessings to you!

    We were so pleased to attend a couple of the Nixon events recently, including a tour of the Library.

    Our group was very impressed with you and the Docents, and we complimented the Docents on our visits.

    You personally and generously welcomed us, not knowing who we were. You provided guidance for the event and allowed us to savor seats of our choice.

    I watched you graciously direct the event decisions, treating all with respect.

    Now I sadly am informed that you no longer are at the Nixon Library, but I relish your future ambitions.

    Now I know why your are such a gracious person, as we have the same beliefs with God.

    I will probably never see you again, but I won't forget your touch from the Library.

    Your Mission is defined and we wish you the best with your future endeavors!

    God Bless you!

  2. Dear Karen: What a gracious message. Thanks and blessings!
