Friday, February 27, 2009

The Cambodia Surge

Roger Morris, who resigned from Henry Kissinger's NSC staff at the Nixon White House in protest over the 1970 Cambodia incursion that President Nixon ordered, has written two long posts for the New York Times blog comparing Vietnam with the two wars the Obama administration has inherited. At The New Nixon, Robert Nedelkoff analyzes Morris's posts and ends with this observation:
It’s worth mentioning that at one point Morris remarks that the Cambodian invasion of 1970 was “what a later era might call a ’surge.’” That may be more telling than he knows. The “surge,” widely denounced by Democrats (and some Republicans) at the time, was the key to gaining the degree of peace Iraq enjoys now. The Cambodian incursion, hated though it was by antiwar activists, did neutralize the supply lines and gave a breathing space to American and South Vietnamese forces at a time when it was needed.

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