Saturday, December 27, 2008

His Suspicions Have Been Kindled

Timothy Noah is skeptical about Amazon's upbeat holiday sales reports, especially regarding the Kindle:
The New York Times reported on Dec. 23 that "the e-book has started to take hold." We "know" this "in part because of the popularity of's Kindle device," which is "out of stock and unavailable until February." The Post fronted essentially the same story in its business section on Dec. 27. But these newspapers were unable to report how many Kindles Amazon sold, much less how much revenue these sales generated, because Amazon won't release that information. We don't even know whether Amazon sold more Kindles this year than last. Amazon is famously stingy with financial numbers generally. This Christmas season, that's proving to be a winning strategy in dealing with a business press that, between layoffs and the usual holiday vacations, appears short-staffed to the point of utter witlessness.

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